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Photo Services Process: What to expect...

1) Contact us for a quote and availability.

Include as much of the following information that is known...

  • what are the pictures for?

  • how many people do you want to include?

  • how many different shots do you want?

  • what location(s) do you want the pictures taken?

  • any deadlines you may have in association of this request?

  • any other pertinent information that could affect the session(s)?

2) We will offer you a quote based on the information we received.

If enough information is given I can respond with a quote (including what the deposit will be) and if we are available. If more information is required we will work with you to fill in the gaps before making the quote. Keep in mind, if you are not satisfied with the quote we can make reasonable adjustments to make the cost more affordable. Check out the payment section to learn more about the quote, the different costs and when they are due.

3) Coming to an agreement. We will continue to work out the finer details with you as we approach an agreement. This includes us getting to know each other, understanding any expectations either of us might have, and the signing of the final agreement and consent form. The deposit will be due at the signing of the Photography Service Agreement.

4) The sessions(s). We will promptly begin at the agreed time. If for any reason there is a delay in arrival or start time, it is best to communicate that fact with a realistic estimate time of arrival or start time. This will give the other party a chance to adjust accordingly or ask for a reschedule if the late start becomes problematic. At the time of shooting, we will likely take more shots than the agreed number to ensure we can meet the original quota with good photos. We will do our best to keep to the estimated time given, but we may go longer to meet the quota (extra time fees will NOT incur if the client reasonably assists and cooperates during the session).

5) If applicable, we will deliver proofs of selected final shots chosen by the photographer by the date written in the agreement. The client then will choose all the photos in that group that they would like to see as final drafts.

6) Post-Production. Allow up to 6 weeks for final images to be processed. If more time is needed we will contact you and give you a new estimated time to completion. This allows us time to clean up photos and make them look their best.

7) Delivery of Digital Photos. We will contact you when the photos are ready and schedule a time we can go over them with you. If more adjustments are needed, we will make them (in much shorter time) and repeat this step until you are satisfied. If all looks good we will deliver the requested digital formats through all the requested mediums (webpage, flash drive(s) etc.).

The majority of our photo services should follow closely to this outline. Keep in mind though that each service we provide is unique to the client and their needs, and may deviate from what is listed below. We will strive to keep you informed and work with your situation as best as possible.

The Payment Schedule: Definitions & Timing

1) What does the quote include?

The quote will include the Deposit, all initial fees and rough expense estimates that are inherent to your request. The quote may also include specific special considerations you ask about in the initial conversations. If the session(s) goes as preplanned and payments are made on time, your overall cost should match closely to the quote. Any deviations to the preplanned sessions may incur additional fees and unforeseen expenses, but will not exceed what is described in the agreement you signed.

2) What are the different fees for?

Each situation will be unique which is why contacting us for a quote is vital. Not all fees will apply (such as services within 20 miles of Bloomfield, NM and accessible from paved or well kept dirt roads do not have to worry about travel fees etc.), and the fees that do apply are based on your specific agreement, which we will go over before you sign. Here is a list of typical fees and costs associated with this service for your reference.

  • Deposit: is the amount collected at the time of signing that is used to secure the services. as per agreement. When services are completed, the deposit will either be applied against the final bill or if no bill exists, will be returned to the client at the time of delivery of photos.

  • Initial Service Fee: Covers the expected services and will be based on a relevant and agreed upon factor such as hours or number of photos the photographer takes overall.

  • Additional Service Fee: Is the fee charged when the photographer goes beyond the expected service factors originally agreed to. It can be charged per the same or a different relevant factor. The factor used for this fee will be rounded up to the next whole number if it is between numbers.

  • Initial Travel Fee: Is the fee charged that will cover the extra time required for travel and all vehicle costs associated with completing the expected services. This will be calculated up front and presented as a single flat rate.

  • Additional Travel Fee: Is the per mile fee that the photographer charges when going beyond the original distance required to fulfill the agreement. For instance if client changes the venue before the shoot to one further away, only the difference in distance will be charged, not the entire distance to the new venue, or if adding a venue site, the entire distance to and from that site will be charged. The point of origin used is the intersection of Broadway Avenue (hwy 505/64) and 3rd Street in Bloomfield, NM.

  • Expenses: Is the extra charges (that are reasonable and customary) that the photographer accumulates to fulfill the agreement. These are (but not limited to) permits, meals, accommodations, parking, tolls, and admissions to venues sites. These charges to the client will be for the exact amounts. A copy of the receipts and bills (where provided) can be given to the client upon request and only before the client pays off the costs. Other costs like National Park entrance fees and tolls will be considered necessity will be billed at the publicly posted rates without a bill or receipt to show for it. All the costs the client pays for directly (or to the photographer) will be excluded from the final expenses total.

  • Late Fee: Is the fee charged for any Fees or Expenses that are not paid for by the agreed upon due date(s). This fee is used to help offset the Photographers burden for covering the costs in an extended period of time in association of the agreement.

  • Special Considerations: Other fees that may apply to the agreement such as physical storage purchase and costs of special delivery requests, the type of pictures to be taken, the purchase of additional shots or the RAW files or the extended edit of photos are examples of special considerations. The amounts to be charged are as described in the signed agreement. k

3) When are the various payments due by?

The client has the option to pay early. Otherwise, the pay schedule is to help the client spread out the costs in a timely manner and to ensure they are not hit with a bulk amount at the time of final image delivery. Unless stated differently in your agreement, the due dates for the specific fees and expenses are as follows:

  • At the time of signing: Deposit

  • Four (4) days prior to the first scheduled session: All initial fees and known expenses

  • Before delivery of Proofs: all additional fees and unpaid expenses

  • At time of final Delivery (before images are delivered): Any remaining total due minus the deposit amount. If there is a surplus amount, it will be given back to the client at this time.

Photo Enhancement

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Example of photo restoration we can do.

Resources and Downloads

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